臺科大於114/3/11~13辦理「2025年國際先進科技與臺日工程論壇(2025 International Advanced Technology and Taiwan-Japan Engineering Forum, IAT&TJEF 2025)」,歡迎踴躍參加及投稿。
二、本論壇使用英文報告,徵稿主題涵蓋如下This forum will use English for presentations. The call for papers covers the following topic:
(一)Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials
(二)Advanced Measurements and Plasma Technologies
(三)Advances in Processing and Manufacture of Electronic and Electrical Components
(四)Optical Engineering and Imaging Sensing Techniques
(五)Deteriorations and Retrofitting Techniques for Civil Engineering Structures
(六)Emerging Fields and New Technologies
(七)Industrial Management and Design
(八)Any topics relative to SDGs
三、重要日程Important Dates:
(一)論文投稿時間Paper Submission Deadline::2025/01/23-2025/03/01。
(二)註冊截止日Registration Deadline:2025/03/01。
(三)論壇時間Forum Dates:2025/03/11-2025/03/13。
四、地點Venue::國立臺灣科技大學(臺北市大安區基隆路4段43號) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road, Da'an District, Taipei City). 。
五、論壇網址Forum Websit:https://iatforum.tw/