


    • 開幕儀式- 112.5.10        1200-1300
    • 市集       112.5.10-12  1100-1400
    • 地點:北醫大百米大道 

    開幕儀式特別邀請專業非洲鼓舞團「Senbe’ 聲唄鼓舞樂團」來校演出。由全臺最資深的非洲舞者Amiu創辦,「Senbe’ 聲唄鼓舞樂團」的團名具有「力量」之義,其表演以西非幾內亞的傳統音樂為本,擅長以鼓樂搭配舞蹈,結合部族傳統歌曲與演唱,分享非洲鼓舞文化之美。


    👉👉 歡迎大家踴躍註冊參加市集暨開幕儀式,即可於獲得精美禮物乙份,按此註冊去
    Dear faculty, 

    Organized by TMU Office of Global Engagement, the “African Cultural Festival 2023” will take place from May 10 to May 12. The festival aims to promote African culture and enhance the Taiwan-Africa friendship. The festival organizers have put together a program of activities, including opening ceremongy, a fair and performances, offering participants opportunities to improve their understanding of African culture and appreciate the cultural diversity on the TMU campus.

    African Cultural Festival 2023- Opening Ceremony and Fair
    • Opening Ceremony- 1200-1300, May 10, 2023
    • Fair- 1100-1400, May 10-12, 2023
    • Venue: TMU Square 


    In the opening ceremony, we are delighted to invite a professional African drum and dance group, "Senbe Vocal Percussion Band," founded by Amiu, the most experienced African dancer in Taiwan. Senbe, meaning "power" in the local dialect, performs traditional music from Guinea in West Africa. They are skilled at combining traditional drumming with African dance, as well as incorporating traditional and indigenous songs, to present the beauty of African drumming and dance culture.

    The African Cultural Festival will feature a special African cultural fair. The booths on-site are diverse, ranging from food feasts and cultural artifacts to unique hair braiding experiences, allowing participants to fully experience the diverse aspects of African cultural life. The booths are also strongly committed to reducing plastic waste and are offering a special discount for those who bring their own eco-friendly food containers and utensils. Everyone is welcomed to participate!

    👉👉 Join us in registering for the opening ceremony and receive a stunning gift! Register now by clicking HERE.

    聯絡人 Contact person: 國際事務處 黎芊邑 Lillian Li (ext. 2721)